Art or Craftmanship

Marcus Hunt

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
The Oxfordshire Cotswolds, England
You know, I think this debate must have been going on since the stone age! Even the Pre Raphaelites had a job convincing the art establishment of the day that what they were producing was art. Likewise, the Impressionists suffered for their art too.

In case anyone's interested, my step-son has a website dedicated to the contemporary art world and it's artists. He's made a superb job of it and is dedicating huge amounts of time and effort into it's development. You can find it at:

I must addmit that some stuff leaves me cold but some of it is extremely interesting. One thing I've learned discussing art with him is that you have to have an open mind. Not all modern art is bad. I do wonder though what the art world thinks of us contemporary engravers though. Perhaps James Ehlers could chip in if he's out there reading this thread???
Dec 20, 2009
Marcus- you have taken this discussion to an entirely different level by including the modern website. I suspect generally engravers are very traditional and conservative in their artistic taste because much of the art we draw from is very old and established. What lively and interesting discussions you must have with your step-son about art! Please give him my congratulations on creating such a well done and informative site. Unfortunately I have never understood modern art as my education is lacking in this subject. I am curiously drawn to the Installation art. The idea of creating an entire environment that surrounds you as a form of communication and expression is interesting.
Having spent a great deal of time with those that considered any form of art frivolous at best, I find appreciation of art- both our own art and the art of others- a wonderful and gracious gift.
The craft/ art designation leaves the impression one endeavor is more or less than the other. Personally I feel art is the result of great craftsmanship developed to the point the work takes ones breath away. Irregardless, the artistic endeavor alone is the basis for appreciation.
The most valuable art I own are the drawings of my children when they were small. Without any knowledge of craft, in my eye these works are art.
Artists have often historically defied the current accepted definition of their work. We live in a strange world when being conservative is equated with radicalism. How odd it is that apprenticeships have now gone out of fashion.
The art world seems a strange and alien place from my view here in a cornfield. I don't really care what they call me- just don't call me late for supper.

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