Transfer again


Elite Cafe Member
Feb 16, 2007
Pretoria South Africa
Try this for a quick transfer for small prints,
I have a HP DeskJet with a 21 (54) black cartridge, I print the artwork on paper then cover the print on the paper with frosted cello tape put the paper back in the printer the same side as before then print again if the paper orientation was correct the second time the print will be directly on the frosted tape, take a piece of the frosted tape and stick that on the print on the tape, Lightly burnish it and lift the tape, prepare the object to be engraved with china white and stick the tape on the object, again burnish lightly, one can lift the corner of the tape to see if the transfer is dark enough, if not stick down and burnish more.

I get a 85 to 90% transfer with no hassle


