Critique Request New thread PREFIX: Critique Request


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Want critique? Use the Critique Request prefix when starting a new thread.

Arnaud Van Tilburgh

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 3, 2008
Good Idea Sam, that makes it more clear when it is aloud.

Propably it will be my favourite prefix to use. :big grin:



Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Actually it was Gemsetterchris who suggested a critique forum, but I'd rather keep the discussion in our main forum so I just added a prefix. Hopefully those who want critique will use it. / ~S


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Dec 9, 2006
Welfare, Texas
Thanks Sam,

That should help clarify things a bit. I for one am a little uneasy about just jumping in on someones post and offering my unsolicited opinion (though I have done exactly that).
I also liked the comment someone made about all the big boys commenting possibly keeping others with less confidence from posting pics at all & that would be a shame. We have a cool community here where anyone is welcome to show & tell. This is a far cry from the old days (as you well know) where you might go weeks or months before you spoke to someone with the same interest that you have! Some of the newer engravers may not realize it but to receive feedback from qualified and experienced practitioners is the icing on the cake!!

One of the reasons I like to keep it upbeat and encouraging is that I know how hard it was for me to get where I am now (even with working alongside my dad there in the early years) & I know that even though beginner / intermediate work may not be perfect, it shows promise & sometimes a word aptly spoken can do a whole lot to motivate a student (which I consider myself to be) in the right direction. Of course, there is the flip side of the coin too....but that depends a lot upon the student.

Food for thought,


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~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 14, 2006
in the land of Scrolls,
Yes, I agree that its best to have it here, and not in a separate forum. I hate to see us get divided up. Like Weldon says, we have “cool community here” where we are all encouraged and edified. I also try not to offer comment unless the poster spefically asks for it. Some people wear their feelings on their shirt sleeves, and have overinflated egos from unwarranted praise from their neighbors/spouse/parents, etc. But those that ask, I assume are sincere and will do my best to give the good the bad and ugly as Lee said. I think back to when I was staring in the early 80s, and people like Sam Alfano, Ron Smith, Frank Hendricks, Marty and others were kind and honest enough to give me real critiques of my work that I asked for. I feel like its my duty to offer the same to those who ask the same today. And I have got very good feedback on a lot of my critiques on this and some of the other forums. People like Viljo and Jaques B Herbst, have taken mine and others thoughts to heart, and some good online friendships have resulted and they began turning out some very impressive work in a short time. And in Viljo’s case, he is here taking lessons from me above and beyond as seen with his sculpting thread. There are others, who ask for a critique, but immediately want to get defensive, and I think, OK, let it be, maybe it’s a personality thing, and maybe they are the ones who become the ones Chris M was talking about have been engraving for 15+ years and still doing mediocre work.

There are several of the old critique threads of beginners work, that has a lot of good input from many of the top name engravers, that the whole thread should be in the tips archive section.
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Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Thanks for your input, Weldon. Critique from experienced engravers is precious and valuable information. Information that, as you said, was impossible or very difficult to get back in the day. Like you, I rarely critique unless the person specifically asks for critique, and I usually don't have time to comment on every thread.

There's no reason anyone should feel intimidated about posting photos here. I would encourage any and all to post photos, get critique if you want it, and simply have a good time and enjoy the fellowship. Our Cafe can be anything a member wants it to be, from serious study of the hand engraving art to light hearted fun and friendship with others.

Members are extremely fortunate to have some of the world's finest engravers to advise them, critique their work, and help them along on their engraving journey, and all for the sake of growing our art. It just doesn't get any better than that. / ~Sam


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 19, 2007
Kansas City, MO
Whoo hoo!

Now I can differentiate between those 'progress pictures' I post mostly for me to look back on as I (hopefully) improve and those where I'm hoping I'm good enough to warrant some feedback.

As a Happy Idiot I never take things personally unless someone works at making it personal. I know that I can consolidate what I know so far and practice away at it until I perfect it but I'd rather keep working my way up the mountain. Sure, that means that I'll often have at least parts of a work that aren't as good as they could be but that's they way it goes. Hopefully the parts I've done before will show some improvement. That way I can never be embarrassed by my old work since I can point to newer work that's better (I hope). :)
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Elite Cafe Member
Mar 24, 2009
Nice one Sam.
Also worth everyone searching out these critique posts and reading the replies for valuable info me thinks....


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 27, 2007
Chatham Center, NY
In my part of the world, folks are so not used to seeing engraving that I've gotten rave reviews on not really very good stuff (just have nothing with which to compare it). To have input from people who actually know of what they are seeing is fantastic!
Thank's for the new button, Sam!