A few knives.

Brian Hochstrat

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
Midvale, Id
The handle inlay on the Galaxy knife is meteorite. It is very interesting stuff, with direct light, like in the picture it looks like a star field, but when you rotate it and view the material from an angle, it creates a rust red glow among the star field that looks every bit like a stelar scene, it is very cool.

So the theme was obvious, however, I had a vague recollection of one Ray Cover had done similar a few years ago so after designing this knife, I went on a web hunt and found his version to make certain I had taken a different approach. Which I had, but I wanted to make sure there were no coincidental likeness that could be viewed as a copy. Although I am a firm believer that everything we do has been done, to a certain degree, at some point in the past, I do like do try and put my own spin on things or at least avoid any accusations of copying.

Dave, I am not sure about that, but the heap you refer to, I am fairly sure is digested grass:)

Tim, Yep been chained to the bench, Kalyn threw away the key. Yeah same story been going to give you a ring, just have not done it.

Chris, a sure cure for cabin fever, take the trip to Reno. It really is a fun show. Better than Blade, and Blade is enjoyable.

Thanks all for the kind words. Brian
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