Critique Request Look what I can do now, video

Andrew Biggs

Nov 10, 2006
Christchurch, New Zealand
Hi Thierry

Thanks for the video. I enjoyed it. Nothing like looking over the shoulder of a Master to see how it's done :)

If anyone is after a good way of filming what they do, then the GRS Ball Pivot camera mount is a good way to go. It attaches to the GRS Acrobat stand.

You can see it here

To see the end result click here For a simple setup the results are pretty darn good.

I used this for the first time in Basel, Switzerland while I was demonstrating. The pendants you see me engraving are all done using this mount on the Acrobat stand with a LED microscope ring light. The video camera doesn't get in the way and any small camera will do the job. You can film it or run it through a TV using an HDMI cable.


Thierry Duguet

Elite Cafe Member
Jun 4, 2007
Thank you for your suggestion, Andrew, I engrave with hammer and chisel which is to say that both of my tools/hands will often be in the way of the webcam or the webcam will be in my way but I shall look into it. Thanks again


Elite Cafe Member
Oct 21, 2007
Thierry. I am a jeweller by trade and learn engraving as a hobby from books and this forum. I have had the opportunity to learn lettering from an inscription engraver and will be forever grateful for that. However, ornamental engraving has remained a difficult challenge for me. It has cost me an awful lot of time and money to get to the meager standard I am at the moment. I have purchased many books and teaching aids that have been invaluable and although many of these are costly, I fully appreciate the time, efforts and skills that have gone into the production of these items. You have selflessly posted a great video that has already benefitted me a great deal. Just being able to look over the shoulder of a professional and seeing the sequence of cuts and the subtleties of cuts that produce the final result is a phenomenal opportunity and even better..... completely free. Well done to you. If you were producing these videos for commercial gain then I would say yes...... perhaps better lighting and a little editing wouldn't go a miss. For the purposes you intend on showing customers how it is done and just how labour intensive engraving is then it serves its purpose admirably. Thank you very much indeed.:thumbsup:

Thierry Duguet

Elite Cafe Member
Jun 4, 2007
Thierry. I am a jeweller by trade and learn engraving as a hobby from books ......................... you very much indeed.:thumbsup:

Thank you for your kind words, I am glad it was of some use.
I will make more video as opportunities present themselves, I do not engrave practice plates so my clients demand will dictate what I will film.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
May 10, 2013
Laredo, Texas
Had not had a chance to get a video the camera I'm using is a Logitech C910 it can zoom more then what I have it set up in this video my music was playing very loud in the background so the camera is trying to eliminate that sound to pick up my voice, I use a microphone stand that I had I'm an accordion player, hold the camera out of my way while working. Also use the microphone stand to hold my vacuum cleaner hose well I'm using the high speed rotary or something else that creates dust basically I'm using the microphone stand as a third arm like one would use to solder.

Watch "Working on background" on YouTube
Working on background:



