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  1. T

    Best sharpening system // fixture for brand new (broke) beginner?

    Hey all! Sorry for posting so much in the past couple to days but I am having some issues figuring out what the best tools to buy is. As far as sharpening fixtures go, is it best to buy the dual angle from GRS or the lindsey plates? I am willing to save up for a power hone if nessasary but eager...
  2. T

    Can I buy blank GRS gravers, put them in a Lindsey sharpening template and shape them myself?

    Hello all! I am getting close on pulling the trigger on gravers and supplies as I want to begin to learn how to hand engrave. This may be a dumb question, but instead of buying preshaped gravers and trying to make sure I have the correct plates to sharpen them, is there any reason or...
  3. T

    What gravers should I buy as a beginner learning hand push?

    Hello all! If this is a post that has already been answered I apologize - what graver shapes // types should a beginner purchase to learn hand push engraving? and what angles should they be sharpened at? If it matters I will use a GRS QC hand piece. Thank you so much everyone!
  4. T

    How nessasary is pneumatic engraver for a beginner?

    Hey all! I am an apprentice jeweler who would like to learn the art of hand engraving to add to my skills as a jeweler. I will be engraving primairly silver and brass to start but eventually gold as well. My original plan is to begin hand push engraving, and eventually saving up for pneumatic...
  5. T

    How nessasary is a class?

    Hello all! I am a beginner jeweler (trying to make it a career and learning everyday) and I want to learn how to hand / push engrave and engrave for stonesetting to give myself more tools in my skills toolbox. I had a professor of mine tell me it was not worth it to learn on my own, and that I...

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