Search results

  1. S

    Help, please: What is this site? Where to find it all?
  2. S

    Help, please: I am looking for any literature, drawings and manuals.

    I have long wanted to master the engraving style banknote engraving. Found a good book. "ORMSBY.S Bank-note engraving" The book is good. But it does not indicate what kind of steel to take on the plate. Whether or not heat treatment of the plates is necessary. What tools to use. The plate under...
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    Question: films about engravers?

    Are there any feature films about engravers? Would like to watch.
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    Question: How to call this style of engraving?
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    Help, please: Help me find a post in the forum.

    At the forum I saw the works of master engravers from Russia. From Tula and another city. There was their instagram. Tell me how to find them on the forum. Thanks in advance.