Printmaking International Contest


Nov 11, 2006
Barcelona, Spain.
Are you an artist? Have you ever printed your engravings on paper? Are you interested in promoting hand engraving as an art?
If your answer is affirmative, then you must visit this website:

It's about a contest held in Cadaqués (here in Catalonia, Spain). Anyone can send small size prints, a good size for hand engraving. The number of participants is around 650 from all over the world. I sent four of my engravings there and sold two prints to american tourists. It's not a way to get rich, but it helps building a career as an artist and, mainly, shows other artists that hand engraving (or 'burin' engraving as we call it here) is not a dead technique. Only myself and a japanese man sent hand engraved prints!! The others were etchings, mezzotints and other indirect techniques.

So I encourage you to participate and show what a graver can do. Hand engraving, as you know, is the best printmaking technique when looking for precision and texturing. And who knows, you might win...

If you know of other contests, collective exhibitions,... were hand engraved prints could fit in, you are invited to share it with us. Thanks.