Interesting book


Elite Cafe Member
Mar 19, 2007
Dayton, Virginia, United States
I received my copy of a new book a friend of mine helped to produce. "Weapons of Warriors, Famous antique swords of the near east" written by Vic Diehl & Hermann Hampe, publisehed by Schiffer Ltd. is a great pictorial for those interested in swords of the Middle East region. From an engravers view ...... better said my view .... is that the close up photos of these rare pieces are worth their weight for study. Many of these pieces are heavily overlaid and some inlay with mostly gold, the detail in the photos gives the viewer a lot of information. Not a lot of verbiage but a good section on the over laying process still used in the Middle East. The book has numerous fold out pages to show the full size of the sword. Since I've only glanced through the book thus far I'm only giving my first impression. I find the information interesting to engravers and blacksmiths alike. I thought some of you folks would like to know about this resource.

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