
  1. F

    Conroy Engraving

    I am new to the community and was excited to find this site. I just wanted to share some of my work.
  2. Weldon47

    From drawing to finished engraved scene

    Been a while since I posted anything….so here goes! Recently the topic was discussed of working from a rough drawing to do your engraving …..and how "rough" some of us are. Here's a bit of step-by-step on a project I did some time ago that'll show how I do it. It shows the progression...
  3. S

    Scrimshaw: Thanks for teh research help

    A while back I asked for help on some research for a project. My customer wanted an elephant hunt scene from the15th or 16th century. The criteria was an Arab type figure on horseback keeping the attention of the elephant while a second figure approaches from behind and hamstrings the animal. I...