Crafts in the Garage


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 17, 2006
Here is a little story that you might enjoy. It gave me a chuckle and a reality check. A neighbor of ours asked my wife this question the other day "Now what is it your husband does again? Some kind of craft in the garage?

My mother thinks I'm the greatest who ever lived and in her old age I have never seen any reason to disturb her thinking on the matter. My neighbor's comment however, has made me realize that sometimes we take ourselves too seriously. It's a lot more important to strive to be a good husband, father, and neighbor and along the way do a few crafts in the garage.


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Oct 15, 2007
Grand Forks, ND
Some people don't even have a foggy clue about some things. That neighbor gal is living near a world class artist and doesn't have any idea of it at all. She probably figures you glue match sticks together and sell them at the local craft shows!


Elite Cafe Member
Jul 14, 2010
Hilarious, Mr. Griffiths...

I went to knife show last week with my wife in hopes that perhaps I could make some connections, being a newby in this field. Upon showing a vendor some recent work that I poured my heart into, he said it was "okay"... "for a beginner" and proceeded to tell me to engrave some skulls instead of "whirly gigs" (I take it this meant scrollwork in his lingo). I think perhaps I was taking myself too seriously. But as Catherine stated... it isn't as funny unless it's a world class engraver like yourself, Lee!

I continue because of my love for the "craft I do in the garage".
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david bain

Elite Cafe Member
Dec 6, 2006
Well,,I used to look at Lee and think.Man I wish I could engrave 1/2 that good.Now I think I'll just build a garage.:thumbs up:

Roger Bleile

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 4, 2007
Northern Kentucky
Reminds me of when I was the director of security for a large hotel corporation some years ago. I was at the gun club when I met a fellow I hadn't seen in some time. He asked "Are you still the head guard at some motel?"

When I was at the recent FEGA show in Reno a fellow engraver remarked to me that some of the world's greatest engraving artists were there in the room. I reflected that no matter how famous an engraver is among us, when he or she walks out of the exhibit hall it would be the rare person who ever heard of any of us or understands what we do.

If you are an occupational engraver it is very difficult to explain to a stranger just what it is you do. All of this serves to keep us humble.



Elite Cafe Member
Mar 24, 2009
Well.. engraving or gemsetting & alot of other "crafts" are not exactly the most important skills to have in life.

The best mechanic in town is just a what, that is until you need his help.

Everyone goes through life with certain needs & interests, there are alot of skills available to learn.. some you have an need for or interest in, alot you don`t.

I know people at the top of alot of professions.. but until i need their expertise they are just people earning a living like everyone else in their chosen field.

If you listed the most important & respected or useful trades or occupations we would fail miserably to even be thought of.

Marcus Hunt

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
The Oxfordshire Cotswolds, England
I remember my father talking to a client once and saying to him that although engraving was a nice thing to have on a gun it didn't add to the way the gun performed. The client disagreed with him saying that if anyone owned a nice hand engraved gun it actually made them shoot better because they didn't want to look foolish on the shooting field; in other words they'd up their game to be able to shoot to the quality of the gun rather than have a top quality gun, miss the target and look like a twit.

Lee, you work in the garage, I work in the shed at the end of the garden. And I smile every day because I don't have to commute to work like some poor souls. I think Arnaud has the right idea as to educating the public where they can see him working from the window. Maybe you should leave the garage door open so folks can see what you do, lol.


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2009
Harriman, Tn.
When I was at the recent FEGA show in Reno a fellow engraver remarked to me that some of the world's greatest engraving artists were there in the room. I reflected that no matter how famous an engraver is among us, when he or she walks out of the exhibit hall it would be the rare person who ever heard of any of us or understands what we do.

This reminds me of when I went to Scott's engrave-in. When I got there I felt like I was walking among the greats of engraving and was hard pressed to not ask for signed autographs. I was seeing the people I admired who were in the gun and knife books with their picture next to their work. The best way I could explain it is through an analogy. It would be like a sports fan meeting Payton Manning. Well, when I got to the engrave-in the first person that met me was Scott and I recognized him from his picture from the custom knife book. He introduced himself, asked my name and said hop in the truck, lets go put out these signs (LOL, the signs were car doors with a scroll and an arrow). Scott said if people couldn't figure that out then they weren't supposed to be there. Well, long story short, I was made to feel at home among all these great (humble) engravers and recognized alot of people from the Forum who had their picture posted as an avatar. People were very tolerant of my (engraving) ignorance and answered my questions. I learned alot, had a great time, and met some great people. I hope Scott continues to host the engrave-in and that as many engravers and their families as possible will be in attendance.
I hope I didn't get too off topic for Lee's thread. I just wanted to point out that I have not come across an engraver yet that was so cocky as to not stop and help a fellow engraver. Thanks again to all of you Humble Engravers.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 27, 2007
Chatham Center, NY
I'll second that, Michael! Felt that way at the FEGA convention as well- you guys are way cool- regardless of that the neighbors think!


Elite Cafe Member
Jul 14, 2010
I enjoyed your post, Michael.... Would love to make it to Scott's engrave in one of these years and meet all the ones who have a love for engraving... famous and not so famous alike.

Brian Hochstrat

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
Midvale, Id
A funny story Lee, but not surprising. Most people here in Midvale think I am unemployed. The thought process is "cause they never see me out much" Hmm....perhaps its cause I'm working.

Oh and I think your Mom has it wrong, I have it on good authority from my Mom, that I am the best thing :)

Good seeing and visiting with you at the show. Regards. Brian

Christopher Malouf

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 19, 2007
5mi from the nearest Dunkin Donuts in Tennessee
Brian, that's funny. There are folks here who have actually said: "Oh, no-one has lived in that house for years now."

I like it that way and ever since I put up a sign that reads: "No tools loaned", the guy up the hill stays there.

Don't get me wrong, I'd never refuse a neighbor a bowl of soup .... just keep away from my Mac set 'cause they're calibrated for chrome and not fer rust. LOL!!!


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
My neighbor's comment however, has made me realize that sometimes we take ourselves too seriously. It's a lot more important to strive to be a good husband, father, and neighbor and along the way do a few crafts in the garage.

Too seriously indeed, Lee. We're not curing cancer or saving lives. We put pretty designs on things that nobody really needs!
I do my crafty things in the garage as well. :)


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 17, 2006
Brian, you made me chuckle. Good seeing you and a great rifle. Much better in person. Some years ago Jim Blair's wife was talking to my wife and at the time (Jim if you see this and I get it wrong pipe in) Jim's wife Karen was working at a grocery store and overheard some ladies saying something to the effect" poor lady she has to work at a grocery store because her husband has no job. That idea, my words.