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K Frei

Elite Cafe Member
Jan 27, 2011
St. George Utah
I'm just wondering if we could put a content warning icon in practice? Especially if you don't have to be loged in to view the thread! Just a thought; how would that feel to some of you?

Red Green

Elite Cafe Member
Aug 19, 2011

Does art need censoring? Perhaps not allowing human form in the forum, or even organic life forms, that would stop all this sex nonsense right in the bud, did I say sex?:shock: Oh my. JK but seriously why, are you offended by something,:thinking: I try to be nice?


Andrew Biggs

Nov 10, 2006
Christchurch, New Zealand
Hi K Frei

I'm going to make an assumption that you are referring to a knife on another thread. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

The naked form has a long and wonderful history in the arts. Some of histories greatest work involves the fully or partial naked human body. It also has a controversial one as well so nothing has changed in that respect. But it is part of the art world and part of our art and should be seen as such.

I agree that it is not to everyone's own tastes or cultural/religious/beliefs. If we go down the path of someone being offended by the subject matter then will others become offended about other artistic subjects that clash with their beliefs.? The list could become endless. It's also probably unrealistic to do it on the forum because where does it start? and where does it stop? However, there are some definite no go areas that clearly cross legal boundaries and of course those things would never become acceptable.

I am not suggesting that you agree with the content.............But a certain amount of "ce la vie" would certainly help ease the way :)


Arnaud Van Tilburgh

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 3, 2008
beware button, arnaud posted here!

I just started again posting here and now this idea. :confused:
I may hope Frei’s suggestion has nothing to do with me, if so perhaps a warning button “beware, arnaud posted here!â€￾ could make me laugh. :biggrin:



Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
So far all of the engraved nude figures posted here in the Cafe have been tastefully done and I see no reason for a warning message. I can't make this forum perfect for every member.

Don't forget that you have an IGNORE LIST in the SETTINGS (link at the top right of the page). Simply enter the user name of the person you want to ignore and you will no longer see their posts.

Arnaud: Welcome back :)


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 17, 2006
The suggestion by K Frei is not unreasonable or without purpose. I do not know his reasons but here is one to support such an action. Some of our participants like to view the forum while at work and if they open a thread that contains what their company defines as mature content, there can be severe repercussions. I can see this happening accidentally and innocently on the part of our participant, who may very well appreciate and admire the work executed. From this standpoint it has nothing to do with one's own morals, standards, or beliefs and especially nothing to do with imposing such standards on others. It is simply a case of helping each other stay out of trouble at the workplace and then when they are at home or elsewhere can enjoy the superb engraving. Brian and others post work that occasionally may fall under this category, but to use the ignore button and never see any of his work would deny one the opportunity to see some of the best engraving being done today, That would be a shame. Brian, your work is terrific and in no way is this post an endorsement or indictment of your subject. It is a non-moral reason to identify certain subject matter so all can make the decision needed for them. It is also not an editorial on whether nudes are art. After all I brazenly posted a topless drawing of myself recently, however any company manager probably laughed at me the rest of the day and my body will never be classified as art.

Christopher Malouf

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 19, 2007
5mi from the nearest Dunkin Donuts in Tennessee
I can't help but jump in on this ... it's all way too inviting.

It's Sam's fault because they didn't get any work done at work today. It's Sam's fault that I broke my skull falling out of this chair laughing so hard.

I think I finally understand why I never bump into any engravers at Southern Exposure.


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Malouf, you're a goofball! No wonder we like you and keep you around :)

Lee: You make some valid points about the workplace. Some photography forums ( for example) use (nsw) or (nudity) in the subject line, nsw meaning for "not suitable for workplace" (sorry to our Aussie friends!). I have no problem with anyone doing that, and it gives a heads-up to those who might not want to load a nude engraving on their company computer.

Christopher Malouf

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 19, 2007
5mi from the nearest Dunkin Donuts in Tennessee
.... and that's your fault too Sam!!! All this time I've wasted trying to get banned just so I can some freaken work done!!!

By the way ... I wasn't so much offended by Lee's self portrait engraving as I was scared. In the same token I was also very happy to see how well the "Low-T" therapy has been working for him.

KFrei .... I'm not making light of your question, only the blame game that cracks me up. Someone who is true to himself and his convictions and not afraid to speak up is top notch. The world is small and getting smaller. Culture clash is gonna happen and it's all water under the bridge until meeting the person behind the keyboard face to face. Be yourself and never let anyone thousands of miles away suggest there's anything wrong with that.
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Elite Cafe Member
Sep 30, 2007
Bellingham WA
I would maintain that you have no business viewing this forum at work, unless you are in the engraving business. When you are at work your time belongs to your employer, and if you are not working for him you are stealing from him, same as if you were taking home his goods. my $.02.

JJ Roberts

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 10, 2006
Manassas, VA
Lee's comment reminded me of a coworker who was always bring nasty things up on his computer I told if the boss found out he could get fired,well he send some nasty things up to a coworkers in another department but Tony hit the wrong key and the porn made it to every computer at cooperate.J.J.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 17, 2006
"I would maintain that you have no business viewing this forum at work, unless you are in the engraving business. When you are at work your time belongs to your employer, and if you are not working for him you are stealing from him, same as if you were taking home his goods. my $.02. "

I agree. Are there times when a company computer might be used during a break to check email or the forum or perhaps a computer taken home to do some work and then during leisure time checking email or this forum? I don't know company policy and surely they differ depending on company, but this seems to be a possibility.

Chris, you make me laugh brother and thank you for the comments on bein true to one's convictions. As for being scared.....c'mon man up but you are probably right.

If I have offended anyone I apologize. It certainly was not and is not my intent. I merely wanted to point out that a number of legitimate reasons exist to provide beforehand information. I view it as a matter of courtesy to those who need or desire. Artists are particularly sensitive to the issue of censorship. In my mind censorship has always been about prohibiting and disallowing. Nothing is being asked to be prohibited.

Sam and his moderators have done a remarkable job of managing this forum. It does not appear to me to be easy or at times pleasant. I merely believe it is a reasonable and valid request on K Frei's part and it is likely he has provided a voice for others.
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Arnaud Van Tilburgh

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 3, 2008
Thank you Sam giving me a new welcome.

Quoting Christopher Malouf about “Culture clash” that is gone happen.

In my world, the old one, nude is all around. When the temperature permits, at the see side woman go topless. We have multi billboards showing “t1ts”. You cannot open a magazine or newspaper without nude. We have TV commercials starting when I wake up in the morning on “Tahiti Shower Cream” woman and men underwear, we have paintings in church showing woman’s breasts, all our animals are nude and we even have very nude chickens in the supermarket. And now that spring is in the ear, we see lots of birds, rabbits, horses, cows, pigs, and all other living creatures, doing what is the meaning of live, “multiplying”, and that is just part of our live and no one has any problem with that.

About the “Culture clash”, my wish is that my culture would have a bigger impact than what comes from the other side of the big water. The Free World where everything is possible, keep it for yourself and don’t sent it this way.

If on some parts of the world; nude is a problem but guns are not, and the other parts of the world have more problems with guns than nude, then do I have to ask Sam to make a button “beware this tread shows guns” ?

As on this side of our planet, one is more suspicious having photos showing guns than having nude photos.
Most of us on this side of the planet know the difference about nude and porn.

Sure feel free to react on my post, but first think about what you like most, guns = killing, nude is love. Or is the 70 ties spirit forgotten and banned?

Kisses and love from arnaud

Andrew Biggs

Nov 10, 2006
Christchurch, New Zealand
I'm not convinced about the work place thing. Certainly when it comes to objectionable material there are rules in the work place about that in most countries. But then again there are rules about surfing the internet in most places of work as well. Passing on objectionable material is also a no go area and I'm amazed at how many people still do it.

I think there is a big difference between looking at a Playboy web site and the Engraving Forum. If we start adding "nudity" content icons then should art sites that contain photos of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel murals also warn of nudity?

It's a fine path we tread when it comes to this sort of thing. Art transcending into objectionable and then leading onto illegal. So far I don't think the forum has degenerated into any of that. We are an engraving forum that we all recognize as being art or craft and I think it's important we don't limit or discriminate the work that we do and show on the forum.

Besides, I think it would become blindingly obvious to all of us when something was out of line. Common sense has to play a part in all this.


P.S. offence taken my friend. We all have differeing views about things thank goodness. I suspect that this debate will still be going on long after we are all gone from this world :)
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JJ Roberts

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 10, 2006
Manassas, VA
Arnaud,Guns and ammo are the only thing which will keep the boot off our necks and we will keep it that way.J.J.

Red Green

Elite Cafe Member
Aug 19, 2011
I don't think so Dave,

Ok, guns don’t equal freedom, anymore than a noose equals justice.

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