Report on Reno Shows


Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
The Safari Club Show started on Wednesday the 24th. This would have been a terrific experience for any engraver.
To start out, the old time rifles showed some neat turn of the century engraving. The prices also showed some big increases in these guns.
Lisa Tomlin was at the Rigby booth with much of her wonderful engravings displayed on their rifles.
Lee Griffith was hypnotized at the Peter Hofer booth while studying the unbelievable engraving on Peters guns. You must get Lee to describe this mans engraving ( I don't know the right words).:eek:
By Friday when the FEGA show opened my head was spinning from seeing such a fantastic display of artisic talent at the Safari Club show.
I also took about 150 photos of the animal taxidermy work.
Then the FEGA Show opened. WOW
I had an oxygen machine delivered to my room at the Silver Legacy. There is something mistical about being in the company of so many world class engravers. Friday, Saturday and Sunday did not have enough hours to fully intake all of this beauty.
Andrew Biggs gave a fantastic seminar. What a find he is for the engraving community and our forum here.
John B. was answering one million questions and helping everyone.
Marty Rabeno had his table displayed and there were so many people around it you could not get near it.
I've run out of time, but I'll continue later in the day. (must gather my thoughts):D

Yves Halliburton

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
Savannah, Georgia

All right Marty, what is it that makes you so popular. Maybe its the name RAAAAAAAAbinoooo! Let's see some of the stuff on your table. Enjoyed your pieces on the back of the FEGA Issue. I am driven to do a 73 with a western scene on it.

Ken Hurst

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 17, 2006
Robersonville, N.C
Glenn, how is Lisa doing ? She was an apprentist on mine when I had my business in Lynchburg, Va. She was such a sweet little girl and was a fast learner. Did Tim George come with her ? Tim also trained with me and I understand he has move to the same small town Lisa lives in --- word on the street is that they are seeing each other. Both are top motch people and engravers ! Sometimes I regret shutting that operation down. Ken


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 10, 2006
West Grove, PA
Yeah I have pictures....HA actually I had the ACGG 2008 raffle gun on my table. It was the first time I even saw it all put together and prissied up. Other than that I had a bunch of castings to sell and 3 guns in pieces. One was a single action that I am going to engrave Cowgirls on and call it my GIRLIE gun. The action of the bears floor[plate which I posted a little while ago and a Sharps action in the works.

Peter E

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Canton CT
Reading about your experience certainly makes me want to attend. It would be great to see some of your photos.

I've seen some engraving Tim George did on some of Howard Hitchmough's folders. Superb knives and made into works of art with the engraving.



Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
Lisa looked and acted on top of the world. She really has a sparkle about her. I showed her a game scene I'm doing on a martini cadet. She was so positive about little things. It was a pleasure to have her critique my work. I did not see Tim at any of the shows. Perhaps he was there, but I may have missed him. I looked at many of Lisa's engravings. You would be very proud to have played such an important part in her career. Her work is breathtaking. Yet she is so humble.

I could not recommend the show any higher. The experience is worth every minute and every penny that it costs. As I get some of my computer skills in order, I'll post some of the pictures on this forum.


Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
More info on the Reno show:
Ron won an award, but he will have to explain. Way to go Ron. Your display looked very professional.
Other engravers with displays were: Sam Welch, Bob Evans, Jim Blair, Lee Griffith, and others I can't remember.
FEGA is growing and new young people are starting to get involved. More new talents are always needed.
Some of the older members were not there and I really missed seeing their work.
The skill level continues to elevate every year. This really is a collection of the best OF THE BEST.
Once you have seen this Reno Show you can hardly wait until the next year arrives.

Peter E

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Canton CT
I will have to start planning so that I can hopefully make it in 2008. A few years back I flew into Reno for vacation and all the show attendees were on the way out. Ive never seen so much luggage and gun cases!

As an aside, the ride around Lake Tahoe is absolutely amazing. It takes a couple hours as it is around 70+ miles but the views are spectacular.


Ken Hurst

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 17, 2006
Robersonville, N.C
Glenn ---- Lisa and Tim were two of the best I ever trained and I always expected them to continue to improve. Yes, I'm really proud of them ! I just learned that Lisa was loosing vision in one eye last summer but an operation has restored her vision to 100% . I heard that Tim wasn't at the show this year. Re. your Martini, All of my gang were trained to pay max attenrion to the little stuff -- the big stuff would take care of itself --- not surprised to see she and Tim are still following the rules. I'd love to see a picture of the Martini. If you would, please forward pic to me at kenhurst at --- many thanks, Ken


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Sam Welch and Sandy are both sending CD's of pics to me for posting. Everyone who wasn't there is anxious to see the show, myself included. :)

Jon C. Dake

Nov 30, 2006
Well, I was one of those people asking John B. a bunch of questions. I had asked him to bring some of his inlay tools, and sure enough, there they were, along with information on what I was doing wrong (no doubt just one of many of the many things that I do wrong). What a great gentleman and helpful person. He had an auto there that he had done, what an incredible job of engraving. I also got to meet some of the great engravers who were there and it was neat to put faces with names and see some of the incredible work that they do. I really enjoyed Andrew's seminar but will obviously have to buy the video so I can watch it and make notes as there was a tremendous amount of information in a short time span. I also now know what I need to do improve my pictures, thanks to Sam Welch. I'm hooked and will be attending any of these shows that I can. It was certainly a great way to spend the weekend and a great show.

