practice plate


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Jacques: Thanks for posting a photo of your practice plate. The scrollwork on the left is good, but the main scroll backbone lines do not follow the proportional spiral the the chambered Natilus. It is extremely important that you draw these first lines as perfect as possible.

Your cutting and shading are coming along very well. On the left scrollwork on the lower left, you've shaded all the way to the backbone of the scroll. While it doesn't look terrible in this example, if you were to have more black background on the outside of this area, you'll run into serious trouble because you've made the body of the scroll dark in this area. This is difficult to explain by typing, but it's something I really emphasize in my classes. The internal components of the scroll shouldn't come in contact with the backbone line. If this doesn't make sense, I'll post a photo example.

The scrollwork on the right has no black background and is a bit more forgiving. The shading is looking good. On the top right you have a small scroll growing in the wrong direction. The placement is ok, but that little scroll should be facing the opposite direction.

Keep up the good work, Jacques! I see progress in your engraving. / ~Sam

jacques herbst

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
kokstad natal south africa
i must point out that i dont know the rules of scrolls and will get mr smiths book soon."The internal components of the scroll shouldn't come in contact with the backbone line."???? could you explain with a pic please.the one on the left was fery hard for me i kept bumping into the sides when i removed the bacround to 1mm.should there be a clear line for the backbone of the scroll?what makes me fery exited is that you can see progress.thanks for your time sam.

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