Question: RinGenie or GRS Ring holder?


Apr 10, 2011
Seattle, WA
I use both on a daily basis. I like the metal collets with the ringenie for channel setting and bezels because of the solid feel and lets vibration. I feel more of the force is directed into the metal setting and not absorbed by the nylon collets. The incremental detents are great for laying out engraved patterns on bands or stones around eternity bands etc. I also like the side helper when engraving the sides of rings because the screw is more flush than the GRS and I feel the aluminum collets grip the ring better so you don't have to tighten it so much to keep it from spinning. I've had difficulty holding light weight antique rings securely without the nylon collets spinning or tightening too much and cracking the delicate ring shank.

The ringenie is a little bulky and it took some time to get used to but I do alot of production engraving and the time savings has paid for it long ago. I don't care for the milling attatchment too much. I feel it takes more time to set it up perfectly than doing and cutting/drilling by hand,but I do love the layout attatchment though.

In my humble opinion for the cost the ring genie is a better buy than Jura's for similar results with the benefit of detented incremental layout.

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