Engraving request for Staglieno sculpture logo


Official Cafe Stone Carver
Feb 18, 2007
I'm preparing a logo for our non-profit supporting sculpture restoration at Staglieno Cemetery in Italy. I've posted photos in other threads here of the incredible works there, but you can check them out on our website, http://AFIMS.ORG or like our FB page at https://www.facebook.com/StaglienoSculpture/

The logo will be used on our website and FB page and on promotions and information issued by the City of Genoa. It will be on commemorative plaques placed near the restored monuments we sponsor; on letterhead and business cards, and it will also get used for our other activities and promotions. Therefore it needs to work well in a range of sizes and formats, including very small images. I'm using the image of one of the sculptures we restored, the memorial of James Fletcher and his family. He was the U.S. consul in Genoa in the late 1900's, and his wife and daughter both died there during his service. I've done an ink drawing, but it looks rough on the logo; an engraving will look much better, and scale better to different sizes. I'm hoping someone here will be willing to volunteer to create an engraving or image that we can use. I don't need the actual engraving (although that would be nice), just a high quality crisp and clear digital image that we can work with.

We don't have funds for this, but I will send a signed copy of my book "Staglieno- The Art of the Marble Carver" to the person who creates the image. I hope one of you will be willing to help. I understand this isn't something professionals can afford to do, but I think there are some excellent new engravers here who love to practice with new things.

Attached is my drawing, a grayscale version of the original photo, and the original photo tweaked to increase detail and contrast. Also, a small mockup of the logo using my drawing. Note that in my drawing the angel's right wing starts too low on his shoulder.

If interested, please either answer here or send me a private message.

Thank you all for your consideration,

My drawing

Grayscale photo (left wing cut off accidentally)

Original photo (but tweaked for high contrast)

Logo mockup

Doc Mark

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 16, 2006
Hampton, Virginia

I would be honored to do this for you. Once upon a time I did pen and ink drawings professionally. I would do a full mock-up in ink and then, if you approved the design, do it as an engraving.


Official Cafe Stone Carver
Feb 18, 2007
Here it is. Doc Mark did a fantastic job. I've put it as the profile picture on our facebook page. If you haven't already, please "like" that page; I'm posting new photos every day of the stunning sculptures. https://www.facebook.com/StaglienoSculpture/
I've also printed business cards with the logo, distributing them to promote our worka. We'll be preparing donor plaques to go on the bases of the restored sculptures which we have sponsored, and it will go on our website, our letterhead, and other uses.

Thank you Doc!!!


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