Help, please: I have a brain freeze can't figure it out


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
Hello everyone I have been working on a design to engrave and do some inlay. I have the basic design just can not seem to come up with a way to start the scrolls. I want it to have the banner across the bottom of the cross and turn to scrolls. I have been all over the web I don't have any books on scrolls yet wish I did if someone can give me a idea to turn a banner into a scrolls that wood be awesome.
This is just to practice on I am not saleing this
And my next question is wood I cover the whole design in scrolls or just the bottom half
This will be on a steel practice plate
I have started the inlay .I done the border in copper and my dove is brass I have it cut out
I thank on the cross I will use aluminum
Starting the scroll's has had me down for a week now lol. Thanks for the help
sorry can't get the photo upright lol


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Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
it may be mine is also frozen. your description and drawing kind of leaves me out of this one. good luck in yer quest. i'm not sure i like the idea of an inlay using aluminum. why not try nickel silver ? (aka german silver} as for scroll all over, i think that would be ok. if the top portion is blank--umm, i don't see that as a plus. unless the major theme of your design would call for that. why don't you go ahead with your idea on paper ? that would be a more meaningful basis for a positive reply from the members


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
. I just thought of Aluminum cuz I have a hole roll of it I will try and get some nickel silver on order. I did run across a photo of a banner that turns to scroll's it gave me the idea I needed for it I just got to get to drawing now and see if I can get my brain to work
Thanks monk


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
Well I worked on the design a bit I am not good with scrolls at all yet
I have studied Mr. Sams post that Mr.Ken Hunt has shared with us and tried to fined all the photos and info I could to give me a idea to learn. I used to draw a lot untell I got to using the computer. I got woke up a bit going back to a pencil .
I outlined the main parts that I am after I am just not sure how to go about it .I no I need to get me a library of books on scroll's I just can't get them yet . if anyone can point me a bit in the wright way that wood be awesome
I am not selling this design and never will. It is just a way for me to learn scrolls and inlay and bring them together
I sure do thank everyone for the help. :hammer: :drawing: sorry I tried to flip the photo but it likes it sideways :mad:


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Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
I forgot to say that I like it with the whole background done in scrolls like monk said and I was thanking having them wrap around the cross I just gave up for the night I no there is problems that need fixed on the bottom first


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
Well no sleep for me :beatup: this idea has tock over my brain
I tried it with a oval design I thank it helped out and I run the scrolls different ways I got some mixed up for sure this was just a quick try to see how the over all will look and see if I am heading the wright way
Let me no my problem areas I no I have a long way to go :pencil: :drawing: :hammer:
I will start a new one and take my time and try everyone's ideas later today. Thanks for the help


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Roger Bleile

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 4, 2007
Northern Kentucky
Before you get involved in complex scroll designs you should understand how to draw one good scroll. Unless your scrolls have perfectly concentric backbones, contain nice leaves (not just random bumps and lumps), and make proper transitions from one to another, your design and subsequent engraving will look amateurish.

Below, I have provided a picture of some very basic scrollwork on a shotgun receiver. Pay close attention to how the backbone of each scroll is concentric, without elbows, flat spots, or ovoid shape. Notice the simple but consistent leaves within the spirals and how each scroll flows from each other.

My suggestion to you is to draw one proper scroll and post it here for evaluation. After that, draw a series of about three scrolls flowing from each other, then post that.

It is only my opinion but, I see you getting way ahead of yourself with this design.


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Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
Thank you very much Roger. I always seem to get ahead of my self I guess I try to hard I will slow down. And study more and practice and do like you said. Thank you for posting the photo I really like that design I have been talking to my family and they are going help me get some books on it. But for now I just have you all and what photos are on the web. Thank you very much. I am putting this pattern away tell I learn it better


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
Lol that's some funny stuff I didn't even look at it win I spelled it I was looking at the different font's I feel like a dummy for sure now

JJ Roberts

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 10, 2006
Manassas, VA
Bommhower,Best learn how to draw the scroll before you think about doing inlays,get Ron's book on scrolls like Roger suggested. J.J.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
Well I worked on the design a bit I am not good with scrolls at all yet
I have studied Mr. Sams post that Mr.Ken Hunt has shared with us and tried to fined all the photos and info I could to give me a idea to learn. I used to draw a lot untell I got to using the computer. I got woke up a bit going back to a pencil .
I outlined the main parts that I am after I am just not sure how to go about it .I no I need to get me a library of books on scroll's I just can't get them yet . if anyone can point me a bit in the wright way that wood be awesome
I am not selling this design and never will. It is just a way for me to learn scrolls and inlay and bring them together
I sure do thank everyone for the help. :hammer: :drawing: sorry I tried to flip the photo but it likes it sideways :mad:

this could work with the clear background on the upper right.your scroll -- too many flats, lumps, and misshapen elements. go to google images. type in "log spiral". copy and print one if you're able. this log spiral is to be compared to your scroll. you'll see the difference. the clean spiral is the very beginning of all you want to do. learning to draw is job "one" for anybody wanting to do engraving. not a cliche, but the pencil is mightier than the graver !


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
. I just thought of Aluminum cuz I have a hole roll of it I will try and get some nickel silver on order. I did run across a photo of a banner that turns to scroll's it gave me the idea I needed for it I just got to get to drawing now and see if I can get my brain to work
Thanks monk

i think you'' find the stuff a bit unforgiving for inlay.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
Well no sleep for me :beatup: this idea has tock over my brain
I tried it with a oval design I thank it helped out and I run the scrolls different ways I got some mixed up for sure this was just a quick try to see how the over all will look and see if I am heading the wright way
Let me no my problem areas I no I have a long way to go :pencil: :drawing: :hammer:
I will start a new one and take my time and try everyone's ideas later today. Thanks for the help
the oval concept works better for my eye. but as i mentioned-- you gotta do some serious work with the pencil. many newbies avoid confrontations with the pencil. easily done with computers and such. but no computer program will teach you how to draw. get a looseleafand keep all your drawings. date them. in short order you will see your own improvement.. just keep at it.


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2015
Seymour, Mo
Thank you everyone for the help. I will work on the basics and do what I can .untell I can get the books mentioned

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