Labor Day Engravers Confabulation

Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Yes, there is space for you and a few others just like you...

It's a perfect opportunity to see ALL of the tools, learn techniques and just socialize for anyone in the hand engraving and metalsmithing communities - all in one place and over 3 days.

Follow the instructions and contact Rob Scott to add your name to the list.


Embarrassment is a very cheap "price" to pay for the time you save if you put your work up for critique - and learn from the comments.

And embarrassment doesn't last long... what you learn will be around for the rest of your life.


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Jan 1, 2008
San Diego, California

Hadn't heard anything in a couple of weeks and wanted to make sure it's still a "go".

Sent an email requesting location address and didn't get a response. If the street name's the same as B.B. King's guitar, I think I found it.

Like a previous poster, I'll drive up after work on Friday from So. Cal., so it'll be a late arrival Fri. night. About what time Sat. would be a good time to arrive?


Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Sorry Doug, somehow I guess your email didn't get answered.

It's happening. Been running around and cleaning up the place for weeks.

Still got a ton of stuff to do and prep in the next 10 days!

Check your PM - Rob is sending directions around as I write this, so if he has your email you'll get it twice.


Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
OK, we are a week out from the event! Please make sure that Rob Scott HAS your confirmation that you will be here AND your contact info!

He will also send you directions to get here and a list of places to stay.

We are still taking "reservations". If you've been considering coming, jump off the fence and come! Doesn't have to be for the whole 3 days. Come when you can, especially if you are local.

There are a couple of people going to park here overnight, but be aware we have no hookups...

We NEED a fairly exact head count when we go to buy the food on Thursday Sept. 3rd!

It runs from Saturday, Sept. 5th to Monday Sept. 7th. We will open the gate at 8am all 3 days.

When you arrive, someone will meet you at the gate, hand you a paper to fill out, a name tag, a prize ticket of some sort and direct you where to park.

IF, for any reason you think you will have to escape during the day - make sure you plan for that! The first cars in will be impossible to get out. There will always be someone available for emergency transport should that be necessary.

There will be bagels, donuts, fruit and coffee on the tables in the morning.

We'll start the demos, lectures and begin telling lies at 9am.

Lunch is planned between 1 and 2pm. John Salmon is running that. (And doing a damn good job of it. He was here yesterday working on it)

Let us know if you have any specific dietary requirements and we'll do what we can to meet them.

We'll try to close down by 6pm each day. Probably won't happen, but that's the general plan. I realize that some folks are gonna want to leave fairly early on Monday if they have a long drive or have to be at work Tuesday morning - but I do plan to run all the way through to 6pm on Monday as well...

Let me or Rob know if you want to be added in or if you have any questions!

Rob Scott - (FerrousOxide)

Brian Marshall -
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Elite Cafe Member
Sep 23, 2008
Stockton, Calif. (mid. state)
PLEASE NOTE: The date for this event is Sept. 5-7, Sat. Sun. & Monday. On the first post we gave a tentative date of Fri. Sat.& Sun, Sept 4-6 which was changed. I just wanted to make this clear. Brian is working vary hard to put this together and we are all looking forward to meeting everyone........JohnR

Jim Disbrow

Dec 4, 2013
Antelope Valley, CA
I've emailed Rob twice but still haven't had a response. I'm just trying to find out if he has received my email and is just behind in responding. I kind of need to know where to try to make reservations for over night stays. I'm kind of looking forward to the weekend and meeting new folks. :tiphat:


Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Rob got tangled up in work - and has no cell service out there... so yeah, we are behind a bit.

Hopefully we will catch up by late tonight. There ARE people coming Friday because of the date confusion at the beginning of the thread - but I'll handle that with some different demos or whatever turns out to be necessary.

Being the first time I've attempted to put on something like this, we did make some mistakes. We've learned from them... :(

Jim, I've PMed you a page of info that should take care of you. Let me know if you need more.

We are scrambling to get the last details taken care of in the 4 days we have left!


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