Celtic watch engraving


Elite Cafe Member
Apr 8, 2007
O1 should be better for the die. As I recall it's about twice the toughness of D2. If you look at S7 or H13 those would be about 3 times as tough as O1. You will probably want to hold at preheat a lot longer than 10 minutes.

If the die is getting to high heat internally, it also needs to cool pretty fast to harden. It's a low alloy content steel. One would guess that the inside isn't getting cool fast enough to harden properly. Switching to something with more alloy could help, as the cooling rates for those steels should be lower. S7 for example will harden in air, but for big cross sections of S7 oil may be needed to speed up the cooling...
Heat treating is an art. And I'm by no means an expert!

Good Luck!


Well, I think I got the HT working now. Basically more time, a lot more time. Ramped up the temps very slowly and kept on both normalizing and austenitizing temp for longer time. After 4 coins at 68 tons the die seems fine.

I would like to keep away from the air hardening steels as I don't have the option to cool it down without oxidation. Oil is perfect, no detail is lost.

Viljo. Super work. Was thinking about you other day while watching a peacock do his thing from the cupola

Thanks, Scott. When I think of peacocks I immediately recall the lessons learned in Eagles Nest about sculpting and gold inlays :)

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