Hello and thanks all.

C. Jones

New Member
Feb 20, 2015
New to the Forum. Been years since I have scratched a line. Read about everything on this website as a lurker...Special thanks to Sam Alfano and his wife for the countless hours devoted to this site. Thanks to all the mediators dedicating time from certainly busy schedules on our behalf. Special thanks to Mr. Lee Griffiths whom I intruded on unannounced who so graciously spent a few moments with me and referred me to this site. To all those who have spent so much time and devotion to the craft...sharing insites and tutorials, close up photos, and how-tos...sincere thanks. I guess somehow, despite my best wishes, time has not escaped me, and has played its evil tricks on my eyesight. Microscope arrives Monday! WooHoo! Watch out world! Putting my studio back together! sincere thanks to all whom have taken time to share. I am certain that I have benefitted from everyone.

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