A huge thanks

Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Snake bite can be an "interesting" experience... :)

I've been bitten 3 times by rattlesnakes over a 5 year period.

Used to collect them for Cutter Labs over in the Bay Area when I was in my early teens. Paid extremely well for my age. Would be totally illegal now.

Painful, and one time had my entire arm turn black & blue - was never treated and never came close to fatal. Obviously.

Every single time I was bitten, it was MY fault. Never the snake. I made stupid moves, choices or decisions that put me in harms way.

Animals at this level act out of instinct.

I learned something each time - and lived to collect another day.

In one of my incarnations I had a collection of over 200 snakes and bred them for sale. (non-venomous)

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Elite Cafe Member
Dec 14, 2014
Snake bite can be an "interesting" experience... :)

I've been bitten 3 times by rattlesnakes over a 5 year period.

Used to collect them for Cutter Labs over in the Bay Area when I was in my early teens. Paid extremely well for my age. Would be totally illegal now.

Painful, and one time had my entire arm turn black & blue - was never treated and never came close to fatal. Obviously.

Every single time I was bitten, it was MY fault. Never the snake. I made stupid moves, choices or decisions that put me in harms way.

Animals at this level act out of instinct.

I learned something each time - and lived to collect another day.

In one of my incarnations I had a collection of over 200 snakes and bred them for sale. (non-venomous)


in one of my incarnations I owned a 7 foot Burmese python who bit me twice (both my fault) human hand heat signature is fairly the same size as a feeder rat! he bloodied the hell outa me but when he realized it wasn't a rat he released one of the two times he had my thumb in his throat..the other he hit my for arm....


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 11, 2006
outside Albany in SW GA
When I was a kid in southern Colorado my brother I I used to catch them along the highway where signs blow down or up in the rock shelves around home. A guy would come buy them for a quarter each live. Got in the back of the leg once and the wrist once. Had to beat my little brother up to make suck the poison out. Maybe that's part of the reason we haven't spoken in 27 years.

