Learning how to Wriggle


Jun 26, 2014
Amarillo, Texas
Wood worker supply houses have a safety glove Kevlar and wire mesh. Think chain mail, very flexible
I wear it in side the leather glove, one hole was enough for me.

As a woodcarver, I can tell you that the best carving glove will protect against a cut BUT NOT against a puncture. So also wearing a good leather glove over the carving glove is a very good idea. It's never good to see your glove turn red.

Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Silverchip wears a bulletproof glove to protect himself from slips with a bright cut graver... but then he engraves a little more "enthusiastically" than most of us.

It's posted here on the forum somewhere. Maybe he'll put it up again? Or direct ya'all to the image.

Got a few scars and tattoos myself - I tried sumthin' similar many many years ago - but eventually I learned to restrain myself...

Engraving as if yer hair was on fire just ain't my thing.

Neither is slipping the graver between the tendons running along the back of my hand.

Easier to just learn patience and control... not much choice in my case anyway.

Engraving with your arm hanging from a sling bolted to the ceiling tends to restrict those fancy moves these days.

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Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
I want to get this video but have a few questions. The faq section of the videos says I can watch it with my Android tablet but says I can stream it. Does that mean it can't be saved onto my tablet just streaming is available? Every other computer in the house has Ubuntu (linux) on it and not sure if the download will play on our computers. Hate to spend 50 bux and not be able to watch it.
Does anyone know if you can get your money back if it doesn't work with your set up? Does this video come with some printable fonts? It talks about some worksheet, pdf and such but doesn't tell what they are. I do have a dvd player for a tv but none of the computers have a dvd drive in them anymore. Will it play on a regular non computer dvd player?

For technical assistance about video downloads you have to contact the company that hosts the files and conducts the sales, which is done from their site or the player app customers download. I don't know own an android and am not familiar with Linux, but on Macs and iPads videos can be watched as they're being dowloaded, and after that they reside on computer or tablet they've been downloaded to.

If you're referring to my Lettering Techniques video, there are no fonts or worksheets included.

All of my DVDs play on computers with DVD drives and regular home DVD players. My EASY COMPUTER LETTERING disc is not a DVD. It's a CD-ROM containing video files and will not play on a DVD player attached to a TV. It requires a computer. There are some shareware fonts included.

Dad of 3

Elite Cafe Member
Feb 18, 2015
Thank you guys. I did find a good video on youtube by Brian Mauney showing the wriggle. I might need a bulletproof glove though as just the other day I push engraving or at least trying to and had a near major problem. For me it seems no heel at all when pushing works the best. I'm just getting my feet wet but when i put even a small heel on it when pushing I run a higher chance of it slipping

Roger B

Elite Cafe Member
Mar 17, 2008
Adelaide, South Australia
My experience with wriggle cutting is not to try and do this under a scope but if magnification is needed to use a visor, lock the turntable and open up the rotation on the vise.



~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Mar 24, 2010
Tullahoma TN
depending on the look you are after, the more forward "push" you put into the movement will open up the wriggle. The key to good looking wriggling is to maintain the same spacing in the wriggle nicks. Also the more spacing you put into the look the easier it is to slip off the surface. I use wriggling quite regularly in both western engraving and firearms engraving. It is a nice look when done well and can be used for a variety of purposes, from scroll backbones, intertwining lines, borders, lettering fill, etc.... If you look at some books containing examples of antique firearms engraving, lettering and jewelry engraving you'll find a ton of inspiration and ideas for how to use it.

Dad of 3

Elite Cafe Member
Feb 18, 2015
Ya Bert I"m stil all over the place as far as getting the sides to come out the same but it looks better than my first time lol. I wasn't putting enough angle in the tool at first based on the video above. Once I increased the angle I did improve some. Thank you for all your help Bert.


Nov 13, 2006
Toronto, ON, Canada
the geometry I generally use for my wrigglers is 15 deg heel and 45 deg face. You might want to try putting a very small 45 deg bevel on the sides of the heel. I find this prevents the corners breaking(#1 reason for slips) and also makes it easier to "open up" the wriggling (and give it that stretched 'zipper' look the western engravers are so good at)

I'll add one more vote for sam's awesome lettering vid. Money well spent.

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