Jack Davenport


Jack Davenport

forums and banjos

Hi Sam: thanks for the email letting me know about this new forum of yall,s. I have bought a couple of your cds and have used the one about corel info. I have Serius satellite radio in my shop, tuned to the bluegrass channell, every time I hear a Banjo I remember that you play Banjo, and have gone to some bluegrass gatherings in the Glades, I think it was Monroe Station, how far south can you get without going to the keys, Thanks for the forum, a green starter like me needs this. Jack Davenport.
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Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Hi Jack. Thanks for joining our forum. Post some photos of your work when you get a chance.

I've thought many times of getting a satellite radio just for bluegrass! / ~Sam

Jack Davenport

Valuable info on folding knives

I really like this forum. I have been a folding knifemaker for some years now and have put off working on my engraving untill I could get serious about it, have chased my own shop made gravers with a hammer since I was 16 yrs old in my dads gunshop, sometimes pit removal in preparation for reblueing would get the border and some of the engraving on the old Browning shot guns, reworking the border and the simple engraving on these old guns started my love for the engraved gun. I now own a gravermach and a magnum handpiece, a Meiji scope and a real vise. I will leave my real job in about 30 days that I have had for 28 yrs and start filling the orders for multiblade folders that I have been commisioned to do. The info on the folding knives and how to hold them to do the work that you guys do is very important and should be researched deeply before you put them in a vise, Tira's reporting is great and John Hanlon and Paul Shindler are two very knowledgable men who know how to pick a maker who is up to the task of producing the right stuff. Thanks Jack Davenport
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