Search results

  1. P

    GRS Hand Versus Foot Control

    About a year or so ago I purchased a GRS GravermachAT and other than trying the foot control out to see if it worked, have used the hand control exclusively. I decided to give the foot control a try and it seems that on really light cuts, I may have better graver control with the foot control. I...
  2. P

    260 Brass

    I have a chance to pick up some 260 brass sheet. 032 at a good price. Does any one know how it would be for engraving. thanks Phil
  3. P

    Foley-Belsaw Power Hone?

    At the same sale where I purchased the Jun-Air compressor, I also purchased a Foley-Belsaw honer. I thought it looked a lot like the old used GRS Power Hone I got off eBay about a year ago. I got it because, I was concerned about the motor on the GRS unit, a little noisy. See the attached...
  4. P

    Jun-Air Compressor

    I have a chance to buy a Jun-Air compressor model 12-40 for $600. Currently I am using a California Air 4610a to run an old gravermax for engraving and rotary tools. If things progress well, I would like to buy a higher end GRS unit in the future. The 4610a works good but is noisy. The...